Miss Jen Music Instruction 2018 - 2019
Policies and Expectations
Students should arrive promptly for their scheduled lesson time. Students are welcome to wait at the homework table if they arrive early.
Parents are welcome to stay for their child’s lesson. Parents may sit at either the homework table or in the piano room.
Each week, students will be given an assignment sheet. This explains the practice expectations for the week. Students that are not able to practice at least 4 days a week may want to consider putting their lessons on hold until they are able to commit to a more rigorous practice schedule.
Tuition is due seven days after the quarterly invoice is received. Cash, check, and credit card are accepted. The bill for the first quarter includes a $40 enrollment fee to cover all expenses for the year. This includes books and materials. This does not include entry fees for contests or workshops. If there are multiple children in the family, the second child will be charged $20 and the third child will be charged $10. This is based on the assumption that older siblings will pass down their books to their younger siblings, therefore eliminating the need to purchase new books.
The year is divided into 4 quarters. Each quarter consists of 7 lessons. Students pay for 6 lessons, and receive the 7th lesson free. However, if a student misses a lesson during the quarter, the free lesson will be used as a make-up. THERE WILL BE NO MAKEUP LESSONS.